5 Shocking Pictures Before Murder

Pictures hold 1,000 words, but they are even more chilling to look at knowing a murder soon followed.

Holly Alexis.
5 min readJun 10, 2024

5. Georgia Williams

Jamie Reynolds (left) posed with his good friend 17-year-old Georgia Williams (right) just before he lured her to his house under the impression that she was participating in a photoshoot. Instead, Reynolds slipped a noose around her neck, and hanged her for sexual pleasure.

As Williams struggled to free herself and catch her breath, Reynolds grabbed a camera and started taking pictures of her fighting for her life. After she died, he took more pictures of her, stripped her body naked, and violated her in deviant sexual ways. Later on, he dumped her body in a wooded area.

Evidently, Jamie struggled with an addiction to extreme pornography, often drawing nooses around pictures of women he admired. Reynolds was described as a having a morbid fascination with depictions of extreme violence, and as a potential serial killer.

Five years before the murder, Reynolds became relevant to police when he attempted to strangle another female that he invited over to his place using the same tactic he used with Williams. Unfortunately, for that case, he only received a warning from police.



Holly Alexis.

True Crime Follower. Writer. All articles are tossed together from the comfort of my couch. 2 or more posts a day! Show love through claps.